
Are there any home made toys i can make for my puppy?

by  |  earlier

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She's very playful and loves to chew!




  1. I give my dogs new socks with a knot tied in the middle.  If you give them used ones, they learn its ok to chew on things that have your scent on them.  Also, one of my dogs' favorite toys is empty soda bottles.

  2. not really any good ones that will last...

    if you save up some money, you could get a Kong!!

    ADD: if you give her socks and things to rip apart now, you are going to be in h**l when she gets older, she will think those nice brand new shes you just got are HER new toys

  3. socks

  4. shoes

  5. If you give her socks or shoes when she gets older she will tear them up all the time. Not a good thing.

    I would suggest playing with sticks with her (make sure they are big and won't break in her mouth of she might get some stuck in her throat)

    If you buy her a bone that is hollow you have put peanut butter in the middle and freeze it. My dog LOVES this.

    Or if you are just looking for something to occupy them for a while so you can get a break you can take peanut butter and put a light ring of it around their mussel. They will l**k at it for quite a while. :D

  6. If you have any ols teddybears that might be good, or you could put some treats in an old pillow case and watch her trying to rip it open, make sure she sees you putting them in.

  7. Do you have rope. I tie knots in it, and mine will play with it forever. Also, sometimes bowling alleys will give you bowling pins that are messed up. I don't know how big your dog is though.

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