tape or Blu-ray RECORDERS? If so, then which ones do (especially those that are much-less expensive than Blu-ray recorders are now)?
And if there aren't any home HD video recorders like that (again, I mean with HDMI INPUTS, not just cameras that can shoot HD and only record that), whether tape-or disc-based--even expensive Blu-ray, then why not?
If so, then which ones, whether Blu-ray or otherwise (especially much less-expensive than Blu-ray recorders are now, such as a high-definition prosumer video cameras that might have an IN-version of HDMI--mine has HDMI, but only OUT)?
This includes prosumer video cameras that might have HDMI inputs that you can use in VTR mode--my HD video camera has HDMI, but only OUTput. So what about those?
Also, what about any D-VHS that were made late enough to have HDMI INputs (not just the few with output-only HDMI)?
And if not, then why not?