
Are there any home- or prosumer HD video recorders with HDMI INput that use commonly removable storage like _

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tape or Blu-ray RECORDERS? If so, then which ones do (especially those that are much-less expensive than Blu-ray recorders are now)?

And if there aren't any home HD video recorders like that (again, I mean with HDMI INPUTS, not just cameras that can shoot HD and only record that), whether tape-or disc-based--even expensive Blu-ray, then why not?

If so, then which ones, whether Blu-ray or otherwise (especially much less-expensive than Blu-ray recorders are now, such as a high-definition prosumer video cameras that might have an IN-version of HDMI--mine has HDMI, but only OUT)?

This includes prosumer video cameras that might have HDMI inputs that you can use in VTR mode--my HD video camera has HDMI, but only OUTput. So what about those?

Also, what about any D-VHS that were made late enough to have HDMI INputs (not just the few with output-only HDMI)?

And if not, then why not?




  1. What are you planning on recording with your HDMI In device (if you could find one)? If you are hoping to record a Blu-Ray disc or from your cable or satellite converter box then you are out of luck. HDMI output from these include a bit flag that tells devices that you can not copy. So the reason that you will not find devices with HDMI in is that other than your own HDMI out equipped camcorder there is nothing that you could record.

  2. Legacy devices are going to have firewire for transporting HD video, not HDMI. You are going to have to get a bluray burner if you want to use HDMI to transport your video/audio.

    You might find an HDDVD recorder cheap, but unless you only need to be able to do this for a short time, it's best to just get bluray.

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