
Are there any home remedies for an ear infection?

by  |  earlier

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I'm pregnant, and i have a really bad ear infection. I went to the ER and they gave me antibiotics and told me to take tylenol, but it doesnt seem to be working. it's been 4 days now and the pain is getting to be unbearable. Are there any home remedies to help with this severe pain??




  1. Take some warm garlic oil and drip it into your ears untill it fills up and shove cotton balls in them and go to sleep.  It will kill the bacterias in your ear really well.  Should only take one night.

  2. This isn't a home remedy but it is what I use for ear infections.  The herb Arnica  in cream form.  It comes in a red tube and has white print!

    It is by Thompsons!  It works for me!  I use it for other infections and skin rashes too!   Many drugstores carry it!

  3. You take seeds of dry chilly and add in one spoon coconut oil and boil it in a spirit lamb and or whatever available. Take the seeds after boiling and you put three to four drops of the oil in bearable heat. Either seed of dry chilly or garlic - either one can be used.

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