
Are there any home remedies that can help open the doors in my apartment easier?

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The heat and humidity of the summer have jammed some of the doors in my apartment. Sometimes my girlfriend even needs to pull on some of the doors with two hands to open them. Any suggestions on how I can have them open smoother? I guess I could sand the edges...




  1. Take an 8 penny siding nail or finish nail and drive them right next to the hinge area's, you should either have two or three locations for the you get close or flush get a block of wood and drive the jamb also before you set the nail for will work...........could tell you all the tricks but this should do it.......good luck

  2. Yes, you could sand the edges.  Also, try rubbing ordinary bath soap or candle wax on the edges that are sticking. Sticking is usually caused by humidity.:)

  3. They have no doubt been painted many times. In apartments this is not at all unusual. There is a space around the doors called a "margin"-its' usually about an eighth of an inch or less. Observe the door-where is it binding? remove it and belt sand this over painted area. Beyond this ,most doors tend to sag with their own weight-add a small cutting of thin cardboard behind the hinge,try closing the door and ad or reduce as necessary. All of a doors weight bares on the hinges-tweak this appropriately and the job is done. Unless the margin is exceptionally narrow,binding, is sanding required-but in an apartment it probably will be. I have done this fix many times in old houses over the last 25 years,easy but requires some observation,cause an effect,etc. Start shimming at the bottom butt hinge.

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