
Are there any home remedies to remove leaf mold due to excessive rain?

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Are there any home remedies to remove leaf mold due to excessive rain?




  1. huh?  Where is this mold?  If on the ground, just stir the soil and's a natural process and is good.  

    If this is on the lawn or some nearby area and looked like "poodle puke" you have slime mold which is harmless.  

    If the mold is on your roof or house siding, there are special cleaners for that.

  2. Unfortunately, not. the best solution is to remove the molded leaf to save the rest of the plant as mold will spread to other leaves. You can put some kind of cover over the plants however nature will take its course and if the humidity is high besides the rain, the plant Will mold faster. We need rain for our plants as all know unfortunately days of torrential down pours can ruin a garden/plant.

  3. It would be much easier to just get a fungicide and spray it since that is what they are intended for but you can try adding a little bit of an antibacterial soap in a spray bottle and then diluting it with water and spraying it on the plants.

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