
Are there any honest Charity organizations that fight hunger?

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I asked a similar question in the Ramadan section, hoping I could find out about an Islamic organization that is reputable, but I don't want to just limit it to that. Anyways, I watched a documentary that changed my way of thinking about food, and the amount we as Americans waste on unnecessary c**p, so I have vowed to save my money and donate all that I can to charity organizations. I just want to make sure they are honest and actually give the majority of the funds to people in need, because I plan on giving them 1/10 of my income. I figure religious organizations would be the least corrupt, that's why I am posting this here. Thanks in advance for your answers.




  1. Feed the Children

  2. Yes, there are many NONCORRUPT Christian Charities out there.  I'm partial to the Saint Vincent DePauls...but there are others.

    Here's a list of Charities that have been rated.

  3. In Britain, and I suppose in America, most large charities are registered as companies, and have to publish their accounts.

  4. One of the highest rates of actually getting the money to where it helps is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  They also concetrate more on actually fixing the root causes, not just putting a band aide on it.

  5. I donate to Food For The Hungry:

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