
Are there any household items that will kill sugar ants?

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I had an unopened piece of candy on my desk and now sugar ants have like invaded my whole room....any household products that will KILL them asap?? Thanks! Oh, and serious answers only plz!!! :D Thanks again!




  1. A big handful of lye.

  2. Use a mixture of cinnamon and sugar. The ants will come for the sugar and take the cinnamon too.  Ants cannot digest cinnamon and when they take it back to their queen she will explode after a while and the colony will die out without her.  Cucumber peels also have the same effect as the cinnamon.  Either one is safe to use indoors or around animals.  Hope this helps!

  3. Buy cornmeal at the grocery store.  Sprinkle it all around.  It's non-toxic and does not harm animals or humans.  It will work within 24 hours.

  4. I use a wet paper towel and squash 'em all... no lie! LOL

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