
Are there any hunting slams for the wild hog?

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I was wondering is there a such thing as a slam for wild hog, if so what is it, I want to complete it.




  1. No there is no Official slam but maybe there should be one however hogs can be scored in Record of Exotics.

    My Slam Idea:

    1- Feral Hog

    2- Russian Boar

    3- European Boar

    4- Javelina

    all must meet or exceed minimum points on a point system.

  2. Points based on the number if millimeters between the outside edge of the tips of the tusks.

    1 point for each millimeter

    Missing or broken tusk = 0 points

  3. You can make up your own--a feral hog from Texas, Oklahoma, or wherever you want!

    I am a predator caller here in Kansas, and am working on my Kansas Grand Slam in Predator calling--a bobcat, a coyote and a fox!  There is no official thing as a KS Grand Slam, but I am challenging myself!

    Have fun!

  4. turkey yes, but hogs, i dont think so. Ferel hogs have no limit so i wouldnt think so

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