
Are there any hydrogen powered cars on the market?

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If yes what are they? What about natural gas powered cars, where do you refill them? Are hydrogen and fuel cell cars the same thing?




  1. hydrogen is in the making still, theres alot of bugs that need to be worked out, air cars are a better solution in todays age check out for information on how air cars work

  2. The Honda FCX Clarity is the first production vehicle to run on hydrogen and is being released first to the market in California and then later on in Japan.

    Film producer Ron Yerxa will take delivery of the first FCX Clarity in July.  Other notable customers include the likes of Jamie Lee Curtis.  See the website for more info.

    Not sure about natural gas powered cars, but hydrogen powered and fuel cell is the same thing and you refuel them at special refueling stations that will be in the same area as the cars that are being sold.

    I'm not sure if that means if you buy one you can't stray too far from home for now...

  3. The hydrogen powered cars "released" in California are not "on the market."  Honda released just 200 of them in the Los Angeles (where there are 3 fueling stations) area as a test.  They will release the cars "for the market" first in Japan.

    Hydrogen powered and fuel cell cars are NOT the same thing.  All fuel celled cars use hydrogen as a fuel.  Not all hydrogen powered cars use fuel cells an an "engine."  Hydrogen also works in international combustion engines (with some modifications).

    Natural Gas powered cars have not been released for the "general market."  They are still being tested by power company and local government fleets and are filled up at government owned refueling stations.

  4. Natural gas powered cars are different from hydrogen powered cars (fuel cell cars).  Cars that burn natural gas has an internal combustion engine like gasoline cars, but the compression ratio of the engine is different in order to handle the natural gas which has a different fuel value than gasoline.

    There are buses and taxi fleets in some North American cities that have switched to natural gas, because they pollute less than gasoline.

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