
Are there any important republican movement in UK?

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Most of british people like the monarchy they have, but it is strange if there aren`t absolutely any republicans in UK...




  1. NO, not really..

  2. Yes, of course there are but is usually the jealous, bitter people who think that royalty have a wonderful life at their expense.  They don't seem capable of thinking it through based on an understanding of other republics.  Oh dear, here come the thumbs down brigade.

  3. What do you mean there are no republicans? where did you get that notion from, did you just make it up? Of course we have republican movements. For one there is the IRA. There may be no mainstream political party that supports republicanism, mainly because it is not likely to happen anytime soon but there is plenty of support at grassroots level for the abolishment of the Monarchy or at least removing its formal powers. The vast majority are still passively monarchist admittedly but to say there are no republicans is absurd.

  4. Yes, the John Prescott party!

  5. There's a few, but there's no co-ordinated campaign to remove the monarchy.

    David B... pardon me for calling you a bit dim, but the word Irish in Irish Republican Army should really give you a hint. They don't give a toss about the Queen. They were fighting to have Ulster united with the rest of Ireland, not to overthrow the Monarchy.

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