
Are there any insect gods in ANY religions and/or mythologies?

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The egyptians have cat and bird gods. Various polytheistic religions have many, many gods. Greek, Roman, Norse, and Celtic mythology have many gods, although most are human. Are there any insect gods in any of the religions and/or mythologies at some point in human history?




  1. Try searching

  2. Anansi is a spider. Does he count?  

  3. In some Native American cultures there is 'Grandmother Spider', but she is not really a god in the way I believe you are thinking.  Most insects used in creation stories or other mythologies were mostly used as symbols for some sort of human behavior or some sort of great wisdom.

  4. Now why would you want to worship an insect?

    You would end up going down on your belly just the snake did in the Adam and Eve myth which never happened.

  5. Native American has several moth and butterfly characters/gods. There are insects in most mythologies, but I think they are used more as symbols than "Gods" per say. Check out the links below.

    Good luck finding what you need!

  6. This question "bugs" me.

  7. egyptions also worshipped the Scarab Beetle, also known as the 'dung' beetle.

    i found this.....

    It is generally accepted that the sacred scarab beetle of egyptian mythology originated from the species Scarabaeus sacer, although the ancient worship of this beetle was eventually extended to all members of the scarab or dung beetle family. The scarab was personified by Khepri, a sun-god associated with resurrection and new life. The ancient egyptians believed that the scarab beetle came into being of itself from a ball of dung (the idea of self-creation). It was worshipped under the name of Khepri, which means 'he who has come into being' or 'he who came forth from the earth'. The god Khepri was associated with the creator-god Atum and was regarded as a form of the sun-god Ra. Just as the beetle pushed its ball of dung over the ground, so Khepri in the form of a scarab beetle, it was thought, rolled the solar disc across the sky each day.

  8. Aksak is a South American beetle god. Specifically, the creator god of the Chaco people.

    In Africa there are quite a few myths of a dung beetle rolling the world from out of the seas.

    Anansi is a Spider god in many West African tribes (bringer of fire and the like).

    Crickets, ants, bees, butterflies and a horde of other insects have played huge roles in various folk-tales, however, while they talk and participate in societies, they are not usually worshiped. Rather, they only teach their lesson and move on.

    Good luck!

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