
Are there any instances in which u've let ur gender define you?

by  |  earlier

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Such as when you've wanted to do something, but didnt do it cuz its normally meant for the opposite gender? or doing something you didnt want to do cuz its normally done by your gender?




  1. I used to pretend that i was interested in football when in reality I am bored stiff watching it and only some of the players' physique keeps me awake...

    I considered studying fashion (still sometimes do). Don't know what stopped me. That would be very stereotypical: male fashion designer = g*y :)

  2. I had no sisters and all the neighborhood kids just happened to be so growing up with them, i wanted to do all the things they did.i was sorta a tomboy growing up lol.

    we missed ya rainbow recruiter.

  3. Nope why would I do a silly thing like that :)

  4. Hey I remember you!!

    No, I do whatever I want as long as it is morally right!

  5. Yes, every time I go into a public bathroom.  

    I also work in  a female dominated career.  So,  have describe myself as a Male Nurse.

  6. deffinently not last halloween i dressed up like a hooker with a bunch of freinds and it was a blast minus the fact we almost got arrested but it was fun (not saying that girls dress up like hookers im just talking about girls clothing )

  7. Occasionally I would mow the lawn for my family...I totally messed it up every time and eventually they figured the cost of the gardner was worth it.

  8. h**l no. i go out dressed like a guy all the time, i  go out and make out with girls in malls and at the block or town centers. do you think i really care. hahah not. i think that people should be able to do whatever the h**l they feel is right for them, and shouldn't have to be judged by it.  

  9. Not really.

    But whenever I play video games with my brother people are like "uhm only guys play video games.


  10. Hmm... it hasn't really been a problem for me. I guess I appreciate art and read more books than most guys, but those aren't *really* gendered activities. Maybe the fact that I purposefully strive to be non-competitive because all the testosterone in sports kind of annoys me...

    I really don't think about it all that much.

  11. h**l no!! i work on the drilling rig floor every chance that i get.most of you homos could not handle it.  

  12. yes of course

  13. all aspects of my life is defined by gender. we french are the most astute about everything, especially in court life.  

  14. Nope

  15. Sometimes I'm a complete girl with things like using power tools, even though I enjoy DIY when I'm able to.  But if I can get a man to do any drilling etc job for me I will, and I can't believe I've admitted that.

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