
Are there any interesting WWII monuments in Italy?

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or WWI.




  1. For an ideological matter, I am much of more the monuments dedicated to the first worldwide war which is scattered for the country, explicitly wanted by the Fascist ideology. However, in every little town, there are monuments and statues to remember all the military dead during the WWII.

    In Roma, "The tomb of the Unknown Soldier " ( La tomba del Milite Ignoto )" is a tomb containing the remains of a military dead in war, whose body has not been identified and that thinks of himself will never be able to be identified. Is a symbolic tomb which represents all those that they have died in a particular conflict and that they have never been identified.

    This tomb is inside the " Vittoriano "

    Excuse me for the mistakes. Ciao

  2. FWIW I wouldn't expect to find many unless they're statues of Mussolini.

  3. isn't a monument but i find it really interesting:

    around Italy (mainly in small towns) you can still read some quotes of propaganda of Fascists, a sort of commercial of the time for Mussolini.... I've just find this document on-line,it's in Italian but there are some pics so you can understand what i mean.

    in the 3rd page(1st pic) you can read the fascist motto: Credere Obbidire Combattere (believe, obey, fight )

  4. There are monuments to both wars all over Italy.... even the small villages have monuments to their fallen. I suppose the interesting ones would be in Rome.

  5. There are several ware related sites in Italy.  I suggest you take the time to visit Monte Cassino.  This is a Monastery that the Germans took over.  There is a lot of history there as well as Polish and US military cemeteries on site.

    There are also other military cemeteries with various monuments, such as the beach in Anzio.

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