
Are there any jobs in Germany for peole who cannot speak much German?

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I want to go there next summer, but must have a job!




  1. Yes. Self-employed english tutor. You can sign up with agencies. Takes about 3-6 months to build up a base of clients though.

  2. Best would be to try to find a job in an English or American company, or as an English language teacher. Last might be the best idea. Sometimes you might get a job just speaking english if you are an arist or have special skills.

    Otherwise it will be really hard. Maybe in the tourism you could have a chance, but without German still not easy.

    So take your time and learn German, it'll be helpful to speak some  German at least

  3. Probably not since it is the natural language there. You will be

    the foreigner !

  4. well I am German and live in Germany right now,

    I am not sure if I should recommand for you to come and work here without knowing any German, I know from friends' experiences that it is really hard here even if you speak a few words, most of the people just do no speak any English, so it might very very difficult, as jobs are quite rare here right now (more than 5 million people without jobs) I do not think that it will be easy to find something, however unlike rumors might say, people here are quite open esp. the younger generations, if you think that you are a quick learner please come and enrich our culture English and German are quite close

    if you have any questions or need more help mail me !!!

    greets Anne

  5. yes , you can be a dishwasher

  6. In general: yes.

    If you want to work there for a longer period of time you need a visa with a "working permission."  

    Best chances are: American companies who have subsidiaries in Germany.

    You can check or There is a government agency, there are companies like: Manpower, Adia an others for part-time jobs, and and and .....

    Another Good source is the German embassy or the local consulates of Germany in the US.

    If you need more help I offer you to send me an email to my contact and be more specific where you want to go, how long, what kind of job you imagine. I can give you more websites to look in.

    (Iam a German working in the US and went through all this the other way ....)

  7. you can work for temp-agencies, work for US companies that need English speaking ppl.

  8. Lot of good ideas from the peeps here....I would try being a bus tour guide for your german city...they usually have a person in german and a person in english...

  9. Yeah  I have been in Germany for 3 years, when I moved here I had no German at all.  I worked in an Irish pub firstly.  There seems to be one of  these every city, which always attract English speaking people.  You could try one these firstly until you learn some lingo

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