
Are there any kinds of light that don't attract moths?

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I'm absolutely terrified of moths. I'm not sure why, but snakes, spiders, rats, bees are WAY less scary than moths. I know it's not logical at all, but what so you do. I live alone and moths that gather near my porch light occasionally slip inside, creating a major problem for me since I have nobody to "rescue" me and kill the moth. (Except for my cat, but when the moths get up by the ceiling, there's not much she can do.) Is there any color or type of light that does not attract moths so that they aren't around so much?

...or do I just need therapy? (j/k, sort of... I've seriously considered hypnosis for this.)




  1. I completely understand, i am the same way with June bugs.  Have you tried a colored light bulb?  i was told yellow was good, but i have never tried it.  moths don't bother me but they will eat holes in your clothes. You don't want to smash them anyway on your walls, they make a mess.  Get a broom & sweep them to the floor & get a paper towel to pick them up and either flush, or throw out the door.  Lights inside your home attracts them also so turn only one on in a room and shut the door, next day go in and get them cause they are not active, kind of like Dracula, just kidding.

    and no you don't need therapy, try out different colored lights.  

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