
Are there any known genius' who have a mental disorder? famous people?

by Guest67146  |  earlier

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i have taken many iq tests, althought online which isnt too accurate, but they have all been coming out to 130+ and i have schizo-affective disorder. are there any other famous or well known people whom are genius' and have a mental disorder?




  1. Theodore Roosevelt,Was A President of the United States = Bipolar disorder

    albert Einstien's son had Schizophrenia... but i dont think he was a genius..

  2. Yes.  The movie, "A Beautiful Mind," is based on a true story.

  3. The word you're looking for is "Savant".

  4. Oh my God! That's me! But I don't consider it a disorder-- I consider myself above normal. And, I'm humble to admit that I'm the humblest genius and the most normal-thinking genius in the whole wide world.

  5. Sure there are:

    Vincent van Gogh

    Winston Churchill

    Ludwig Beethoven

    Adam Ant

    Kurt Cobain

    Michael Costa

    Peter Gabriel

    Notice that most of them are really creative?

  6. Albert Einstein is retarded (no kidding)

    that wasn't an insult, he was gifted

  7. Nietzsche was a genius but his mental disorder got worse the older he got..

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