
Are there any known side effects with taking minomycin?

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Are there any known side effects with taking minomycin?




  1. All drugs have known side effects, including minocycline (minomycin).  Some of the most common are photosensitivity and GI upset, but it's possible with this or any antibiotic to wind up with a C. difficile superinfection and a life-threatening diarrhea.  That's the reason the warning label says to call your doctor in case of diarrhea, as in the Wikipedia quote posted above.  Also, as noted above, an allergic reaction is always possible, though they are not common with tetracyclines.

    The side effects aren't guaranteed, obviously.  Millions of people use this drug for acne and don't experience any side effects.  I recently found out my daughter, who's taking this antibiotic, has been tanning regularly - against doctor's orders - but hasn't had any ill effects.

  2. This medication may cause upset stomach, diarrhea, dizziness, unsteadiness, drowsiness, headache or vomiting. If these symptoms persist or worsen, one should notify their doctor. Minocycline increases sensitivity to sunlight. It has also been linked to cases of lupus, although rarely. Prolonged sun exposure should be avoided. Wear protective clothing and use a sunscreen if needed. Very unlikely but should be reported: fever, yellowing of the eyes or skin, stomach pain, sore throat, vision changes and mental changes.

    In those cases where this drug must be used for extended periods, blue-gray skin discoloration may occur. In the unlikely event one has an allergic reaction to this drug, immediate medical attention should be sought. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, trouble breathing. This drug has also been reported to cause idiopathic intracranial hypertension (pseudotumor cerebri).This happened in case of a young 18 year old girl in New Delhi[citation needed]. She was prescribed minocycline for her acne and after taking the drug for almost a month, she started having constant headaches and blurred vision. She consulted a neurologist for her headaches who found that she had raised intra cranial pressure and traced that to her prescription minocycline. Other effects not listed above should be reported to the doctor or pharmacist.

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