
Are there any ladies out there sickened by feminists?

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Firstly, you don't have to be a feminist to desire equal rights for a woman. Level-headed women believe men and women are equal, whereas feminists presume that they are better than their male counterparts.




  1. Totally! My right to vote sickens me. Like, HOW DARE THEY give me the potential to make decisions about my country's leader? Also, what the h**l were they thinking, giving me the right to have whatever job I please and protecting me from workplace discrimination? WHAT IS WRONG WITH FEMINISTS? UGHHH

  2. To an extent but I usually ignore the bulk of them.

  3. "Level headed women" are feminists in your eyes. All the feminist desires is equality of the sexes, which is not existant in its fullest at the present in this world.

    What sickens you are not feminists but radical women who call themselves feminists but are actually sexist themselves.

  4. Modern day feminists riding the wave of old day feminism bug me. Honestly, what more do we need? Go work your 'feminist magic' in other countries that actually need it. United States feminism bugs me to the core, because it's pointless. You can wear what you want, do what you want, work where you want...

    We can prosecute people who do not pay woman as equally as men.

    We are equal, we just need to use the rights we HAVE instead of COMPLAIN about it.

  5. ummm not this one.... but i'm allergic to ignorance and you're giving me hives.

  6. I have this crazy theory that all feminist want all the woman of the world to become lesbians and kill off all men.

  7. Uh yes, you kind of DO have to be a feminist to believe in equal rights, since no other group campaigned for women to get the vote.  It's a bit like saying you can believe in Marx's ideas without being a Marxist - once again, uh no, not really.  I wonder why people are so determined to reject a theory they agree with?  :-)

  8. Oh, absolutely. I just make myself want to retch all the time. Shame on me for wanting to be equal to men! I'm dying inside!

    EDIT: No, we don't believe that. Do some reading.

  9. what? dont you just love that song???

    "FYR Fifty years of ridicule

    FYR take another picture"

    look it up

  10. UM NO

  11. By definition, feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights. So hopefully no women are actually opposed to feminism. (The definition you gave is of sexism, not feminism.)

    However... I consider myself to be a feminist, and even I am sickened by the way certain other feminists act sometimes. They seem to forget that the movement is about equality, and instead turn it into something sexist and bitter. How sad.

  12. Your definition of feminists is completely mistaken. They don't believe they are better than men, simply entitled to equal rights. Who has been brainwashing you? I know it is not your own thinking since you use the word "sickened." That is the way insecure men think about feminists, not fellow women.

  13. So you're going to stop wearing jeans, stop working, stop driving, and stop voting?  Because that's what feminists got you.  Stop listening to Rush Limbaugh.

  14. I posted about this and it was removed. A Feminist, L*****n with a blog called Charliegirl, posted recently she was tired of hating Men to fit in with the Feminist Movement. She is linked to other sites with authentic Feminist credentials. It is truly an eye opener to the Victimhood and Man Hating cabal of Sisterhood of perpetual victims of Men.

    A quote from her:

    Time for a change

    Posted by charliegrrl on May 22, 2008

    This blog will be changing. I’m not even sure if anyone will care, as I have no idea if people actually read this blog or if they just stumble acoss this blog in search for pornography.

    Anyways, time for a change. I’m fed up of living my life as a feminist through the internet. I’m fed up of putting energy into an online feminist community that is not real. I’m fed up of the blog wars, the radical feminist elitism, the secret clubs and the attacks on women for not agreeing 100% with the party line.

    For the past few years I have been involved in what I would describe as extremism. This is not the same as radical feminism, only the way in which it is applied. Extremism is when you live your whole life for a political vision, you spend all your time campaigning, you ex-communicate yourself from all your friends who do not share the same vision as you or who offend you, you only hang about with people who think the same as you, you think that all men are oppressive, you assume that any man you meet watches p**n, has raped a woman or child and wishes to oppress you, you are extremely intolerant of any person who does not 100% share your vision, your only socialising is at feminist meetings, you stop liking male musicans, authors and thinkers who you loved before, you stop taking care of yourself, you’ve forgotten how your life was before feminism, you are angry, stressed and bitter most of the time.

    So here I am, on a new path. This blog will from now on be less about feminist activism and more about the struggles I face being poor and being a L*****n. I’m not involved in any feminist activism at the moment as I’m too tired and live in the middle of nowhere where not much goes on. I spend my time going to my allotment, meeting up with local anti-climate change people and going to my local L*****n group, rather than going to feminist protests. And I love it. The truth is that I do not feel a sisterhood with all women- as a person who was born working class, I feel more solidarity with working class people even if they are men, as opposed to a solidarity with all women. I don’t have the money nor the energy to go to feminist protests and meetings around the country; in these difficult financial times we live in, I need to focus on myself in keeping my head above water, as well as looking out for my friends and family in the same boat.

    Anyways, we’ll see what happens. I do feel concerned about the feminist activist scene at the moment- it’s a problem that so much communication goes on via blogs and mailing lists rather than in real life. Setting up a Facebook or mailing list will do nothing for women’s rights, if it does not translate to genuine change. Having lots of Sisters online to talk feminism with is fine, but that don’t mean they will be there for you in times of need.

    Will the internet be the downfall of the third wave feminist movement..? Hmmm… I hope not.

    I’m tired of sitting infront of a computer screen.

    ‘Get off the internet, I’ll meet you in the street’ Le Tigre

    **** video, just close your eyes and listen to the song.

    See ya’ll sometime x

  15. I am not sickened but I really think SOME feminists go about things the wrong way. I guess I go back to the things my Mom taught me about getting more flys with honey than vinegar. If there is something that I want, I always start off nice a t first, I see no reason why people think it is o.k. to be insulting to a group or person and then expect them to give you something in return. That doesn't mean you should start by being a submissive begger but you also don't have to insight a riot either.

  16. Yes, definitely me! They are ruining our society first of all. They are always in our face about their issues. They supposedly want equality, but when it comes to men they give them nothing. Also I believe that women need equal rights, but liberals and feminist's have taken it too far. Women and men are supposed to compliment each other , not destroy each other.

  17. I just think it is a little unfair.  If men had these type of people, "man power" whatever, they would be considered arrogant a$$holes.  People should just be considered equal, straight up.

  18. Stop the madness!  Feminists aren't developed to bring you misery, my fellow woman.  Feminism brought us out of abuse, out from behind a man's "responsibility"; and on our own feet.  There is no sickness to that; just education and the ability to make it without a man in a man's world.

  19. I know there are many ladies who are sickened by feminists.  Also see this question:

  20. Yes.

  21. I'm sure there are, just like there are black people who hate others of their race.

  22. I m not. I am a feminist.

    If it were not for the ladies like you out there, I may even let go of feminism.

  23. You, madam, are a breathe of fresh air.  Thank you.

    Feminists have the delusion that anybody that doesn't label themselves a feminist wants women enslaved and without basic human rights, which of course nobody does.

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