
Are there any legitimate work-from-home jobs??

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I know there are some legitimate companies like cashcrate. But I mean REAL WORK. Not clicking on surveys all day. I mean is there any companies that havereal data entry or customer service (ansering phones) or something similar available?? Do u know any? Thanks




  1. I've setup a website which describes the best methods to find a real work from home job. I only include links to genuine websites for data entry and work at home jobs.

    If you need any more help please send me a private message on yahoo.

    Others I've found which have been very useful: (Data entry and home office type jobs)

    http://working-from-home-ireland.blogspo... (mainly IT and Admin jobs)

  2. I sold Tupperware and really liked that---as my older children grew I was able to grow my business and reap wonderful profits Up to 35% as well as fill my home with all the tupperware a human could ever want.

    With your background you could easily use your skills to develope some outside income..... say, creating basic web pages, or helping others with their computer issues..... You have a skill that many regular people need on limited basis.

    Ebay--believe it or not I have found things at yard sales for .25 cents and sold them on Ebay for $10.00 it takes some time and effort but, you can earn money if you do not shop.

    I have used my vedio camera and now my digital camera and offered "home inventories" I go in and photograhp peoples homes and the things they own and provide them with two or three copies of their possessions to keep in the event they have a fire or theft. I chagre a flat rate and for the disks or tapes.

    Other things I do and count as income are silly but add up fast....I always use coupons and I count my time and estimate I earn about $10.00 an hour doing it.

    I have my name on bulletin boards for things like sewing on insignia and hemming, repairs and the such.... The people birng me what they need--I do it in the evening and they come and pick it up.... Or I meet them in a place outside of my home if I don't know them. I get a lot of referals.... once I sewed every badge a boy scout earned for his Eagle Scout ceremony and made a $100.00 bucks.

    I have done dog walking and it has been fun with the kids.... I cannot believe how many people need their dog walked once or twice a day while they work.... just know the dog and don't take any who are too hard to deal with I once agreed to walk two dalmations----oh my what a horrible walk that was.

    I have written and submitted for publication..... This one is painful and can take a long time to see money.

    I have used my computer to help others make holiday cards or claendars or flyers.... Some printing shops will sub-contract over flow work to someone who wants to work at home.

  3. Live Ops is a legitimate company, but I never got much work from them.

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