
Are there any local markets around Tasmania?

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I am visiting Tas for 1 month and will be travelling around the state. I love going to local markets and I'm keen to hear where these might be around the state.




  1. Tasmania is quite small in comparison to the mainland so it is not difficult to visit different markets in totally different regions of the state without having to drive for long periods.  In the north-west, the largest market I know of is the Penguin Market.  I think the Penguin Market would be among the biggest in Tasmania and would therefore be recommendable.  They are in the town of Penguin and located primarily indoors with apparently over two-hundred stalls, but there is also an outdoor entertainment area where local musicians can play on stage (buskers are also allowed.)  In the north-west area there are also smaller markets to compliment this, such as, for example, the Burnie Farmer's Market and Devonport Farmer's Market, which I think run fortnightly.  If you prefer to stay in Hobart then there is Salamanca Market which I know very little about and have not been to, and I daresay there are other smaller markets down south as well.  The only market in the Launceston area that I can think of is the Evandale Market, on, I believe, every Sunday, but I am sure there are others.  Good luck, and I hope you have a good time!  

    (This website has a list of markets in Tasmania:

  2. Only the best market in Australia! (Salamanca Markets, near the docks in Hobart, every Saturda or Sunday (i dont remember))

  3. Salamanca Markets in Hobart are really good.

  4. - Salamanca is the most well known and biggest and best for tourists.

    - Sorell Market just south of Hobart is pretty big, not so touristy

    - Glenorchy market is pretty good, just a couple of minutes out of hobart.

    - Penguin market is good to (up northern tasmania way)

    There are lots of others-if you ask locals you will find that there is lots of information about some.

  5. Launceston has an undercover Market EVERY

    Sunday 9-2pm   Free Entry

    Launceston Esk Market

    Forster St , Invermay

    This is behind Aurora Stadium

    they have over 100 Stall with some interesting things!!

  6. The 2 largest and most popular markets or Salamanca in Hobart  on Saturdays and Penguin markets (in Penguin about 30kms out of Devonport) each Saturday & Sunday.

    There are lots of other markets held each weekend in small towns, the ones I know of are near Hobart in Sorell and Longford

  7. If you are in the south, definitely visit Salamanca Markets in Hobart which are held every Saturday.

    The equivalent in the north of the state would be the Penguin Markets.

    There are plenty of small farmers markets around the state too where you can pick up fresh local produce, you may have to check the frequency of these though, they are normally held every few weeks.  There is a list and details of some of the main markets here -

  8. If they still run the Salamanca Markets in Hobart, they are worth a visit.

    Collect travel brochures when you arrive, they will mention local markets.

  9. Go to Salamanca Market. It is filled with awesome buskers, coffee shops, food stalls and Australian thingies. You'll love it!

  10. there's the Salamanca market in Battery Point, which is open on Saturday mornings until 3 pm. there are heaps of stores there to enjoy!

    hope you enjoy your visit to Tassie :)

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