
Are there any long-term risks associated with too much diet coke consumption?

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Are there any long-term risks associated with too much diet coke consumption?




  1. Tooth decay.

    Bone density loss.

    Can't really fix those things once you've messed them up.

  2. diet soda's contain aspartame which does not get processed in your organs so it just sits their and accumulates which leads to health problems , like cancer.

  3. Another issue - the fake sugar in diet drinks is shown to increase hunger which causes you to eat more, thus eliminating any benefit you would get from not consuming the sugar.

  4. Hi,

    I have been thinking about this question too. It IS proved that aspartame can cause cancer, but only in lab. So what really aspartame is doing to us, we still don't know. Besides, coke is a very acidic drink, which is not good for your digestive system, either...

    But here is the thing, I LOVE diet coke/Pepsi!!! So when I drink soft drinks, I go for "diet". And everything will have some sort of "risk" if you consume too much.

    So if you really like the taste of diet coke, I would say "Go for it!" (just not too much :p)


  5. Cancer and bone problems.

    This goes for pretty much every diet soft drink on the market.

  6. diet coke can make  you gain weight by drinking to much of that stuff over times and it rotts your teeth enamel as enamel sending you to dentist more offtend than you want to be there.

  7. diet coke is carbonated water mixed with sugars, and any carbonated drink is highly acidic.when you have one diet coke it increases the acid levels in your stomach which makes you have more.

    coke contains phosphoric acid, drinking two or more of these cokes a day can double the chances of kidney related diseases

    diet coke contains ASPARTAME, which according to some scientists causes serious illnesses such as cancer, brain tumors, brain lesions & lymphoma when consumed in large quantities.

    most soft drinks are sweetened  with sugar or corn syrup and not artificial sweeteners , which causes OBESITY.

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