
Are there any manga wirtten in Romaji instead of english?

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im learning japanese and was wondering if they made mangas in romaji? because i cant read kanji yet...




  1. No there isn't any manga in romanji, but, if you listen to japanese rock music,you can find the music of the artists on translation sites in romanji.some even hve the hiragana and katakana too, so you can learn from it. Centigrade-j translates LOTS of japanese music. you can find the lyrics on almost any lyrics site. has both romanji and english translation for my my favourite band, Dir En Grey.

    If you really want to check out japanese music, try

    that site has japanese music ranging from rock to hip hop. thers also korean and chinese music I believe. ^_^ they put the lyrics in romanji next to the song that you are playing,most times.

    If you like rock, some bands to check out are Dir En Grey (awesome lyrics btw) or Maximum the Hormone..or if you like alternative/softer rock, you can check out Asian Kung Fu Generation, they have some good music! LM.C, Kra, Glay,Ellegarden...yeah

    hope that helps.

  2. No, but the manga for younger kids in Japan tend to be written in hiragana with simple kanji that have the pronunciation written in hiragana next to them. You should learn hiragana and katakana first, as the majority of dialog is written in these two.

  3. No, since romaji isn't a language. I believe that most manga in japanese (especially for younger people / teens) at least has furigana (small hiragana by the kanji which helps you to read it).

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