
Are there any medical schools in the U.S. that offers high school graduates scholarships to study there?

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Are there any medical schools in the U.S. that offers high school graduates scholarships to study there? Can they work after they graduate? Or can they apply for a green card while studying?




  1. Pursuing Medicines in USA is very expensive and time consuming exercise. What do you mean by High School Graduates? Are you a Doctor - MB or MBBS? Normally no financial help is available for International Students studying Undergraduate course. If you are a Bachelor of Medicine and would like to pursue MD you may(?) get some help, that too not in the 1st year.

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  2. Hi Bon,

    I'm going to answer your question here, okay?  Med schools do not give you scholarships for undergraduate work--that is up to the undergraduate institution and it will depend on the school.  The first thing you need to worry about is acceptance to an undergraduate institution.  There are a few institutions in the US that accept high-school graduates for a directed program that leads into medical school, and you can investigate those.  Here in New York, I know there is a state program through the Sophie Davis campus.  But you should be getting informed advice about this through a local premedical advisory office.

    Whether or not you qualify for scholarships for medical school also depends on the school.  There are many different types of scholarships.

    The question of work visas or green cards is something entirely separate.  I believe there are two different types of visas that are available for medical *residents*, the H-1 and the J-1, and which residencies will support which one is up to them.   The H-1 requires that you return to your own country after residency for at least two years and the J-1 lets you avoid this, but you need to check with experts to understand your own status for sure.   But that is a question for after you have figured out what you are doing in both undergraduate and medical school.

    No school will, as far as I know, sponsor you for a green card, but you seem to be confusing the requirements to come to the US to study (F-1 and M-1 visas) and the requirements to come to the US to work (as you would be in a residency).  This is probably not the right forum for you to be asking work-permission related questions, and you should ask either a lawyer or the immigration agencies in the Philippines what your options are.

    Start with the question of where you are going to do your undergraduate work, and go from there.

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