
Are there any moms that work full time and still home school?

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Or is this only possible with stay at home moms?




  1. I work from my home and still home school my kids. With the job I have I only have to leave them 2 days a week with a sitter and we choose one who can do the work and supports our home schooling. On the other days I do the school work and put in my reports while they are doing their independent work and after school.  

  2. i worked full time, and took care of a sick mother and maintained her household and mine while home schooling my daughter.  its all in your scheduling

  3. I worked full time when my kids were  high school age .I worked about 4 minutes away and went home everyday at lunch.My husband was also able to do the same thing.There were many times my kids  would ride their bikes to my job to ask me to help them. my boss was super understanding. Be prepared for your fair share of phone calls too. I also needed to "run " home on several occasions  to tend to  15 year old girl in tears over a math assignment!

    It all comes down to you priorities and the abilty to schedule  you day as it woks best for your family.Good Luck!!!  

  4. Yes. It is possible.    Do a search in the Yahoo support groups.  There is a group for homeschool parents who work outside the home.

  5. Yes it is possible.  I worked full time midnights and was able to not only home school my son, but my son was able to graduate from high school 2 years early.  Was it difficult?  Absolutely, but very much worth it and quite rewarding.  At the age of 19 my son had a degree in computer networking and is a licensed certified storm chaser.

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