
Are there any natural herbs to help a Hyper activity disorder rather than medication in a child?

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My child is on medication for adhd and a hyper activity disorder, and I would rather have him be on a natural or herbal substance. Please let me know if you have any idea to help me out .





  1. There are child-safe herbs that you can use to calm hyper-active kids. Chamomile (Roman or German), Lavender and Bergamot are some of the herbs that are excellent in doing so. You can brew Chamomile or Lavender teas for them to take (sweeten with honey) or purchase pure essential oils and put 2-3 drops onto a diffuser (electrical is highly recommended to get children away from naked flames) and place it in the bedroom.

  2. I have just started reading about herbs and trying to get to know their uses. I just read today that Chamomile is safe for children  and used for anxiety.

    Good luck!

  3. Check into something called The Feingold Diet. Also, no food preservatives or food dyes .

  4. Look into L-Tyrosine and omega-3 fatty acids.

    I have ADD and I take Adderall. And honestly, I can tell you I've tried those supplements over the years, and I found them useless.

    If you don't want your kid on a stimulant, you should try dietary and environmental changes. I've read on Wikipedia that preservatives and colors in food have been shown to cause ADHD symptoms in some studies. Increase their protein, make sure they get exercise during the day, and LIMIT their amount of television. When it comes to schoolwork and chores, be firm but flexible.

  5. I actually did a lot of research on this a few years ago when my niece was living with us and her father refused to believe she might have ADD so he wouldn't authorize any treatment for her.  I discovered that in children with this disorder, stimulants have the opposite effect.  Several articles I read suggested giving the children things like coffee and/or Mountain Dew for breakfast.  We never went the Mountain Dew route, but I did begin giving her a cup of coffee in the morning.  I made it about 1/3 coffee and 2/3 milk with some sweetener and she said she felt a difference.  Her teacher even noticed and said to me one day, "Whatever you're doing for her, keep it up!"  Like I said, that was a few years ago and she doesn't live with us anymore.  I don't know what new discoveries have been made in the field of natural treatments, but try the coffee.  It's inexpensive and you probably have some in your house right now.  I should warn you though that most of the people who report success with the coffee and/or Mountain Dew have children with mild ADHD.  It might not work for a child with a stronger form of it.

  6. There are many natural supplements you can probably try, but the only thing I have seen make a real difference is upper cervical Chiropractic.

    Get a good one off of a regular insurance website - they are the best.

  7. I have it, and by golly I love mtn dew. But after replacing my

    teeth, I decided to try fish oil.

    this is a serious answer.

    I think fish oil helps quite a bit. also regular chiropractic care

    especially neck adjustments.

    I used to take adderall, but had to stop. now I take fish oil

    and really I'm doin pretty good! having regular habits and a

    chaos free lifestyle helps a lot too. Also lots of time to

    "be myself" and just mentally unwind helps tremendously.

    I need about 6 hours of that after working 8-10.

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