
Are there any natural remedies for Herpes Zoster...?

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Are there any natural remedies for Herpes Zoster...?




  1. Well, as it is a viral problem, nothing much will help except homeopathy.

    There are several possibilities with homeopathy but I would need to know the symptoms in order to help you.

    Self-medication is never recommended with homeopathy, but if you can't get the help of a homeopath (which I recommend you do) you could look it up on this site and choose the remedy that best fits your symptoms.

    I wish you all the best. Herpes zoster is no fun to have!

  2. olive leaf extract

    oil of oregano

  3. Folk Remedies/Common Sense Remedies for Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

  4. All the answers so far are valid...Red Marine Algae is a remedy that I have seen customers come back for. The link below was the most popular brand when I worked at the health food store.

  5. As in a cold sore on your lip?

    Dab a little geranium essential oil on it.

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