
Are there any negative side effects to the baby when taking black cohosh to induce labor?

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And what is the appropriate dosage and how often should it be taken (capsule form)?





    In the 19th century, Black Cohosh was used to bring on the menses (a woman's period) if she was late.  Now, it is used for menopausal women to control hot flashes, night sweats, etc.  

    It can cause headaches, stomach discomfort (but not contractions) and heaviness in legs.  It has been linked to hepatitis of the liver.  

    As for the baby, it can cause nerve damage and inhibits iron absorption, which in an infant could result in the child being jaundiced, a serious condition of the liver if it is caused by black cohosh.  

    Black cohosh is sometimes used with blue cohosh to stimulate labor, but this therapy has caused adverse effects in newborns, which appear to be due to blue cohosh.   Black cohosh has been used to cause abortions.

  2. Well... I would just say the simple fact that there's a specific warning that says "Do not take this product if you are pregnant or nursing".

    If that's not enough, or if you aren't concerned because the baby is coming out soon enough, then I would point out the second part of that... "don't use if you are nursing". If you take it for a few days before the birth, it will be in your system enough that it will be in your breast milk and could be dangerous when you first nurse your baby (including those first few important feedings where the baby gets a boost of Colostrum that jump-starts it's immune system).

    The appropriate dose will vary depending on your need, but most people go for either a straight herb around 500 mg or a standardized extract around 20-50 mg (depending on potency)... but again, not when pregnant or nursing (and you should check with a healthcare practitioner if you are taking prescriptions). Good luck!

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