
Are there any neurologist who can tell me how its like?

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How is the residency program?

Is it hard to become one?

What is a normal day?




  1. First you have to get your MD degree.

    That is the most difficult part.  If you are No 1 in your high school, your chances are less than 1 in 10.

    Afterwards everything is easy.

  2. I think by far Kenneth H has the least thought out answer ever.

    Neuro finishes four years of med school, does one year of Medicine, then does three years as a neuro resident (ie doing nothing but neuro). I am not sure of the competitiveness of it. I don't  think it is as competitive as GI or Cardio (the procedural subspecialties in medicine)... unless you do an interventional neuro residency (I am not even sure they have those yet. But it is going that way), then it may be more competitive.

    Anyway, normal day I think is 9-5... unless that changes with procedures (ie acute stroke).

    You should first figure out why you want to be a doc. then figure out why you want to be a neurologist. If that is all you have been exposed to, then you have a lot left to experience.

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