
Are there any new states getting tougher on anti illegals and make life tougher for them there?

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Besides the ones that made it harder for them to live there besides Arizona and a few other states in early 2008? Are there any new states here in the USA about to make life tougher on illegals living there so that they will self deport to other states or out of the USA altogether?




  1. There are towns across the US, that are currently being trained by ICE to have the ability to promote legal immigration and to stop those who are here illegally from getting away with it. This is a growing fad, and as long as counties and states do not put holds on this, I believe it will keep growing.

    But then again, you also have states such as Illinois, who make it easier for illegals to congregate and to stock the towns and cities, but making it illegal for employers to use E-Verify, as well as having sanctuary cities such as Chicago.

  2. Not in Ohio unfortunately!  They ship them in by the truck load everyday.  It makes me sick to my stomach.  They steal our jobs and commit crimes and nothing is done about it.  They just keep allowing them in as they please.

  3. Try Germany in 1933s

  4. Our legislators were supposed to - but have been on vacation since May.

  5. probably not, some are making it easier for them

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