
Are there any news & events in News & events or is just a retarded chatroom?

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Are there any news & events in News & events or is just a retarded chatroom?




  1. I thought it WAS a retarded chatroom!!

  2. The latter .........

  3. you are soooo right.  Most of them bar one or two are definately retards..........sad ones at that!!

  4. it is turning into a lonely hearts club...

  5. At the moment it is a chatroom but YA is what you make of it. I see you have just posted a question of momentous newsworthiness.

  6. you are welcome to join us retards.

  7. I just posted a question which should explian all.

  8. and what's this then?

    You'll fit right in.........

  9. retarded chatroom and it's great !

  10. LOL - just posted a similar question; it's really getting silly now.

  11. if you really want to see/hear about news & events turn on your own television or pick up the newspaper, smart azz, and YOU stop being the retarded one.....

  12. It's a retarded chatroom - a bit like the news ... if you think this is bad try watching Scotland Today.

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