
Are there any non presription drugs that give a good buzz UK?

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My friend reckons there are loads of non prescription drugs that give a good buzz or help you sleep. I say there's not cos they wouldn't let you freely buy them if that was the case.




  1. you can drink a bunch of robotussim, it is called robotrippin, that is kinda fun, of course ask your doctor before you do.  Also triple C Cricidin has is something you can take in large doses and get a crazy trip off of, agian, ask your doctor before use... I have tried both and had a safe ,fun time, but you need to ask a doctor first or research it...

  2. You are right, there's not. Your friend is an idiot, give her several hard slaps around the head.

  3. Your friend is stupid and irresponsible.

    Ignore her remarks, and don't be suprised if she gets addicted to something silly, or dies of an overdose.

  4. There isn't much to be honest.

    You can get starter fluid and huff the ether from it. (it'll mess you up - dangerious - you can black out and go real dizzy)

    Crush and snort caffiene tablets (believe or not - quick high - long term use may damage nose lining)

    Most better stuff like DXM and Opaties are on script.  There are legal drugs out there also like Salvia, LSA (HBWR/MG), those pills that look like E's you get in headshops and some others.

    Please stay away from Paracetamols, Asprins and any alcohol like methylated spirts.  You wont get high - trust me, you'll end up at a hospital, seeings only but white and hearing the words 'he aint gunna make it'

  5. Nothing apart from alcohol, nicotine and caffeine.

  6. Try 40 paracetamol, they'll make you sleep............ for a very long time.

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