
Are there any obituary records of Iowans who died in l966?

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Are there any obituary records of Iowans who died in l966?




  1. Yes.  You didn't mention a specific county, here is a site that should help you get started in your research project:

    (under the Statewide section, there's a link to obituary look-up volunteers which could be very helpful).

    Good luck, I hope that helps!

  2. I am sure there are many of them.  The question is if they are online or not.. and 1966, it is very much debatable if they would be.

    Where they probably WILL be is in the newspaper archives for the town/county, or on film at the local library for the same.  

    If you don't have the death date, your first stop would be  and click on social security death index. That should provide the name, date and place for you.

    You also can post the name (and details) for someone here, as long as they are dead, and someone will usually do a lookup for you.

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