
Are there any oil speculators in here?

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wiil you please dive off a sky scraper




  1. Your hatred makes no sense. take your hatred to a meeting between the Bushes and the Al-Saud's if you're looking for somebody to blame.

  2. I bet your a democrat.

    How about an increase of supply to keep up with demand. our oil cost may not go down but it will not go up as fast as it has been. We need to drill, not off the speculators.

    economics 101 ( supply & demand = cost )

  3. Hee Hee

    I'm going to speculate, not.

  4. im not and i dont think any one that is would admit it after the way they are talked about on the news, but then again they are contributing to driving up oil prices, so they deserve it

  5. I sell heating oil calls in the fall.  Usually do pretty good too.

    Why are you so hateful?

  6. A news story said many of us are oil speculators if we have retirement funds, etc..., because our dollars in those funds are being used for the speculation. So, you may have to commit suicide in order to fulfill your own instructions above.

  7. no.

  8. America is capitalism. To be a patriot means to accept, embrace, and to love speculating. Get over it. The monetization of debt is all American as well.

  9. I think any one who drives a vech. is a oil speculator.

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