
Are there any on board hydrogen generators that work as advertised?

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Are there any on board hydrogen generators that work as advertised?




  1. The hybrid does.

  2. no there arn't they are scams especially hydrogen plans for your ca.......

    Have a look at the webpage I posted there are many making money off these crackpot fields, giving renewable energy a bad name.

    Free Energy has long been sold by scammers...

    You wouldnt buy diagrams or promises for a flying machine before they were commercially available in the 1700's why would you buy plans for a technology that doesnt yet exist now.

    Remember that is probably all they are going to sell you plans.

    However there are demonstration prototype models type in "fue cell" on ebay and also look at the Australian Alternative Technology Website and it has a demonstration hydrogen car model in their online shop.

    Remember if you do buy it from them and do aquire the parts they claim you need and you do follow the instructions, when it doesnt work it is "Your own fault" according to the scammers.

  3. It simply can't be.

    Just as when you have a loose alternator belt, and turn your headlights on, you'll notice your belt squeal.  Turn your lights off and it stops.  So your alternator takes more ennergy to spin as load is increased.

    Taking mechanical energy (gas engine) and turning it to electricity (alternator) and splitting H20 (hydrogen generator) to make H2 (chemical energy) for the engine to burn to produce power (mechanical energy) and expell exhaust (H20) can't increase efficiency!

    Even if all the energy conversions were 100% efficient (which they aren't) your mileage would simply stay the same.

    It's a great idea, and I wished there was some secret to overcoming the laws of conservation of energy, but as far as I know as of today May 26th, 2007, there isn't.

    If anyone has a long term test that shows an increase in mileage because of hydrogen, I'm sure I can show you how they increased tire pressure, drove at slower speeds, and reduced accessory draw and that is why their mileage improved.  Not because they had an on board hydrogen generator.

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