
Are there any online forums for foster carers in the uk?

by  |  earlier

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preferably in england.i have some issues i need to discuss with other foster carers but i dont know of any forums.any help would be appreciated.thanks.




  1. Why not type in "foster carers" in the search engine and see what comes up.  I just did it and there are lots of sites - some say "networking".  Give it a try.

    good luck

  2. Not to my knowlege.. but if wanna chat online to me... feel free.

    Been fostering for a couple of years now with private agency.  Did shared care for 7yrs previous.

    If I can help or you just wanna moan.... feel free. x

  3. I would be very wary about discussing foster care issues with people online. there is the matter of confidentiality which you need to consider. if you need to talk to anyone about fostering issues why not speak to your social worker. I am a local authority foster carer and we have informal coffee mornings where we meet with other carers in a pre booked room. ask the manager of the fostering service if anything similar is available for you.

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