
Are there any online home-schooling programs in which my public-school credits would count for?

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I'm looking into home-schooling programs that can be completed online, but I don't want to waste the schooling I've already gone through. I've earned 18 credits at my high school... 8 of which were honor courses. My parents will only let me switch to online-learning if I can find a program that accepts the credits I've already earned. I was on the highest diploma track (Academic Honors with Distinction), so I'd also love to find an online-school that offers advanced diploma tracks. I don't know if I want to go to college or what I want to do with my life - all I know is that I don't enjoy my public-school education, and I don't want to throw away all the effort I've already put into it. If you have any info, please share. I don't really want any negative feedback. Thanks!




  1. I think that a public online school like K-12 will count your previous credits.See if they have one in your state. Check

    If you live in Southern California, Pacific Coast High School is amazing! It's a hybrid school.

    Best of Luck!


  2. (if available for high school where you live) or (again, if available for high school where you live) or other possible virtual public or charter high school where you live would undoubtedly accept your credits. Other places probably have their own policies, although I doubt most would be difficult about it. You would really have to contact the schools themselves for a definitive word.

  3. Any *public* online school will accept your credits from another public school just as they would if you transferred from one B&M school to another.  The K12 online schools/academies have AP classes.

    K12 has the private iCademy for high school if your state doesn't have a public option.

    To see if there's a K12-based public option in your state, don't use the link Jana posted.  Use the official one at K12:

    For Connections Academy, mentioned by Glurpy, go here:

    The other option for an online education is to use an online *private* school, where you pay tuition.  Most of these programs will also accept your PS credits.  They have different graduation requirements, so it may depend on the individual school.  The majority of online schools have at least AP courses, which are "honors".

    Most of the online schools I've seen don't have "advanced diploma" tracks - just the AP course options.  Some have courses that only gifted students (based on tests) are able to take.

    You're just going to have to look at your options, the costs, and the availability.  Then contact the schools to see who has what you want.  Most online private schools start at $350/course/semester/0.5 credit and go up from there in price.  K12's iCademy full-time tuition is $6995/year.  You can also do part time enrollment, but the AP courses cost more than the companion general-ed course.

  4. This is referred to as cyberschool, several young people in our district are using this method.  Some are using this in conjunction with the traditional learning experience.  Visit your states educational website.

    They should be able to provide you with this information.  

    Good luck!  

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