
Are there any opinions on the Hi-Point pistols?

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I am looking into getting a high-point pistol i have heard many differing opinions some from people who own the guns and some from people who don't. I am not looking for anything fancy with shiny pieces or anything. all i want is a gun that functions well. is reasonably accurate, and will last. I therefore would only like opinions from those who own have owned or at least have fired one. thank you




  1. If you are not using it as a self defence weopon and just shooting for fun than get it. As far reliability your better off using a drum set cause you will be having a jam sesion.

  2. you get what you pay for

    If that is all you can afford, it is better than no gun.

    Realize, however, that it will probably last only about 1000 rounds, which many shooters can shoot that much in less than a year.  Talk to gunshops that have stopped selling them.  Most gunshops will back up a new gun they sell if it has problems, and these places get sick of sending back half the hi-points they sell due to problems after just a few hundred rounds are fired.

    Hi point DOES have a lifetime warranty, and free repairs, but in most places now it will cost you almost $50 to get it there.  Only FFLs can send handguns by the US mail, the rest of us must use UPS and Fed-Ex, and those guys demand big dollars and overnight rush express air or whatever their most expensive rate is.

    I suggest forgetting the handgun and get yourself a nice shotgun instead.  You will have 10 times the power and 10 times the reliability

    On a budget? I'd suggest this

  3. Doc, What state do you live in cause I am moving there.

    As for the Hi-point, I have a Hi-Point C9 that I bring out to the range every weekend and throw a couple hundred rounds through it. I have never done more than a quick swipe of the barrel to clean it and the gun is accurate and never fails to fire.

    Are they cheap.......Yup

    Are they ugly..........Yup

    Are they reliable......Yup

    And with the warranty you cant beat it.

  4. Really, Ive owned several hi points and have NEVER had a problem (9mm, .40 and 9mm carbine). No questions asked liftime warranty. They may look ugly but they will do the job.

  5. I wouldn't trust my life to one. If thats what your getting it for don't. Save up and get somthing better. Hi-points do have an unlimited lifetime warranty so they kinda offsets the poor quality. Every time it breaks, you can get another one no problem. It doesn't function well, it's inaccruarte, you can't take it apart to clean, and the metallurgy is "ehh....". Hi-points were not meant to last. Two of my freinds have gotten them and they will say the same thing: It's a POS, pay a little more and get somthing decent.

    Best to go to a few gun stores and look at your options. Settling on a hi-point kinda makes me cringe. I have heard there carbines are alright when you take it apart and do a little work but the handguns suck.

  6. Are you looking to use it just for plinking with or to defend / protect your life with? I use mine ONLY for target practice. If you are looking for something to protect yourself with try looking into something better. Taurus makes some nice affordable guns. Also you can get some good deals on some of the auction sites like or

  7. Very cheap.. but better than some of your other options on a fixed income.

    If I had $120 to spend max.. then I would go with a Hi-Point 9mm over any of the similarly priced .22/.25 pocket pistols.

  8. I have not owned, never will. but I have fired a few.

    Given your parameters I will tell you that the Hi-points do not function well, none I've fired has not jammed at least once in 50 rounds.

    They are reasonably accurate at self defence distances, inside say 20 feet. But are by no means target pistols and are not consistent and lack good sights.

    They will not last. They are made to be fired very little and are made of inferior materials and with questionable metallurgy.

    It seems like price is a primary concern, but you can not put a price on self defence or peace of mind.

    Buy a used Glock,Ruger or Smith and Wesson. If you look around you can probably find one for around $300.

    More than the Hi-point but they will work well, shoot better and last longer.

    Good luck,

  9. The are about as cheap as they come...

    You get what you pay for...

  10. IMO, they make great trot-line weights.  You can get the bait way down deep.  But they are a trifle expensive for that use.

    Hi-Point pistols have all the ergonomics of an unsanded 2x8, and generally won't feed anything other than FMJ ammo, and not all are reliable even then.

    I'd take a Hi-Point only if the alternative would be to go unarmed.

    My advise is to save your money a while longer and purchase a better quality handgun, even a used one.


  11. The other answers should suffice, except to say they're pretty ugly to look at; I thought the first hi point i saw was a toy.

  12. Own one? NEVER!

    Fire one? I wouldn't risk MY LIFE, EYESIGHT, or LIMBS!

    As a firearm, Hi-Points are the one of finest BOAT Anchors ever made! This POS doesn't meet ANY of your OWN criteria.

    I wouldn't have a HP for FREE! I wouldn't want the bad karma of re-selling it to ANYONE!

    Anyone remember the Rojak from the 70's?

    If I ever get into a firefight again, I PRAY the other fool(s) is/are packin' Hi-Points!

    Seriously, save your money and buy a REAL pistol. Even a S&W polymer is better than a HP.

  13. I own a hi-point c9 pistol in 9mm and it is a nice pistol. I have shot 100 rounds through mine so far with no jams. I keep it clean and properly oiled and it should last me a long time. Like all of my pistols though, it's just for plinking around, which I use Winchester or Fiocchi 115 grain full metal jacket ammo. For self-defense. I have a 20 gauge shotgun that fills that need.

  14. Well I have owned several high-points after about 25-50 rounds or every other time you shoot it clean it I have never had my high-point to jam I have a 40 caliber main thing is maintenance and you can take them apart to clean them who ever says you can't has never cleaned theirs clean it with gunpowder dissolving and some good gun oil if you can't figure out how to take it apart contact high-point for an owners manual you can get to the pins if it is unloaded and chambered back it does not take a high priced hand gun for self defense and mine is very accurate most self defense shots are less than 5-10 feet if he is at 20-30 yards I wouldn't be afraid for my life  

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