
Are there any organisations or groups who's aim is to bring an end to the license fee?

by  |  earlier

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I googled it and found a group called Ban the BBC but when I clicked the link it took me to the BBC website.

Any Ideas ?




  1. An excellent site is Join up and support the cause!

  2. The best one is Sky T.V. Get rid of the B.B.C.

  3. I've been looking for some thing like that. i stopped paying my licence fee after seeing the BBC trash 'not only' our own soldiers. but the white indigenous population of this country too. I will not! 'out of principle' give a single penny of my money to finance those traitors. so far I've had four letters threatening me with fines etc. but i don't care what they do, i will not be forced to pay for some thing that i do not want! in my house. and i certainly do not! want the BBC. i dont mind paying a licence fee, as long as the BBC percentage of it is taken out. i dont watch it, so i dont believe they have a right to make me pay for it.  i feel it would also help! poorer people, if they could opt to go without the BBC. then it would make them one hundred and fifty pounds a year better off. if you find any thing please let me know. i think its about time we started to ridd our selves of this legalised extortion.

  4. if there isnt one, can we get one going please? because the tv licence is blatant robbery and we the british,  are mugs to continue to pay it without question.  what sheep we are .baa baaa . we could have petitions, marches, we could descend on downing street en masse.  picket lines could be placed at payment outlets. protests can be organised followed by mass non payment. lets do it now, please.

    rommel says it all.  i dont want the bbc. lets all stop paying. rommel im on your side

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