
Are there any other Christians out there who think like me?

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I think a big problem with getting more people to surrender to Christ is because of Church and fundamentalists. People who are hypocritical, churches who fail people and Christians who are legalistic and ritualistic. Why aren't people willing to find the truth about God and spread that, instead of trying to maintain Christianity in the world's system?




  1. The problem is that every religion, not only Christianity,  claims to have the truth about God, and In no scripture will you find God picking a true religion. I tend to believe that they are all true,  and the religions fighting for supremacy should finally end, until God and not man picks the true religion..

  2. yes, there are..

    we're called atheists now.

  3. i am a Christian....i attend no church....i believe that Christ is my Church...........

    Galatians 6 7-8

    6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

    6:8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

    simply stated.......... if you live your life on earth to have the luxuries of the, cars, jewelery, material items, etc.

    then you have given yourself your rewards already....earthly possessions!

    But if you put Jesus as number one in your life...die to the flesh by living in the Spirit with Jesus and not worrying about acquiring worldly possessions...instead putting all focus on God....then you will reap the reward of eternal life in Paradise where you will live with Jesus and God.

    It is a personal decision....believe it or not...a lot of people are only concerned with what they have and what they can get out of their existing life......not what they can have by living for Christ.

    Praise to Christ our Lord!

    with love...."D"

  4. You're right little lady.  too often we are more concerned about our church background than our walk with the Lord.  

    I Cr 13;8a

  5. no clue why, but agree completely!

  6. I am sure there are many christians who think like you, it's a big world. My first response to your basic idea that the church itself and fundamentalists are a problem in getting people to surrender to Christ is yes, that problem first manifested itself in the life of Saul of Tarsus, about whom you will find a great deal of information in the book of Acts.  A good friend of mine highly recomended repeated readings of the new testament for new christians.

    I have been a christian for 32 years not counting the 16 years I grew up in the church before going forward to be baptised.  I still find myself trying to surrender to God's will, and reading the bible as much as I can for clarity and help with answers to questions like yours.

    Saul was a great fundamentalist of his time, and a highly placed leader in the church.  And his main goal was to kill Christians, untill Christ himself reached out to him and turned him into one of the greatest teachers of the gospel.  I think this points out also that no matter who is standing in Christs way, God's will is done.  When you surrender to Christ you will find that God can do his will through you.  God can help build his church thorugh anyone, have faith in that.

    I want to strongly encourage you to continue to seek God, Jesus said Ask and it will be given, Seek and ye shall find, Knock and the door will be opended.

    From Phillipians:, May the peace of God which surpasses human understanding comfort you in your heart and mind, I pray for God to reach out to you and give you strength in Christ through whom we can do all things.  

  7. No darlin' - the problem with people surrendering to Christ is their unwillingness to repent of their sins, and humble themselves to Christ - our Savior - and to make Him the Lord of their lives.

    Sin always has - and always will - separate us from God.

    Everything else - all the excuses - are just that. Excuses.

    Fundamentalists believe that the Bible is the word of God - is completely true - and is the guide post for helping us with our walk in Christ through our daily lives.

    Others believe the Bible is not truth - that Man's instructions are sovereign over God and that the rituals under their control are only to be followed.

    I believe God is sovereign, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Bible is the Holy word of God and that walking in His words and in His love are how He asked those of us who follow Him - to live daily.

    We are to be in the world - not OF it.

    The world's ways lead away from the Salvation afforded us through Christ's death and resurrection.

    Jesus said in John 14:15  "If you love me, you will obey my commandments.

    James wrote: James 4:4  Unfaithful people! Don't you know that to be the world's friend means to be God's enemy? If you want to be the world's friend, you make yourself God's enemy.

    1st John 2:15  Do not love the world or anything that belongs to the world. If you love the world, you do not love the Father.

    We are to maintain Christianity, dear one - otherwise, we are not His.

    1st Peter 2:9  But you are the chosen race, the King's priests, the holy nation, God's own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God, who called you out of darkness into his own marvelous light.

    Please, dear one - do not give up on the truth found in God's word.


  8. All that I'm going to say is if someone is standing between you and God, then who is closer to God? Yes there are hypocrites in the church, yes there are people who think that they are better than others. Let God work on them and do what you know through the holy spirit ot be right. If it goes against scripture then it is not what God would have a person to do. Follow the Bible and not man's traditions.  

  9. Amen to that!

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