
Are there any other adult adoptees from Michigan out there who want to get their adoption files open?

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What is the chance of Michigan ever allowing open files on closed adoptions that happened in the 1950's?




  1. i was born in garden city, town next to 'sherrin' (above)

    i have found my birthmother. i went to the courthouse in the county where i was adopted through and signed up for the adoption registry. we were matched up and met.

    i think we should have the option of reviewing our records. if the problem of privacy of the birthparents is the issue, then black out their names. i dont think many realize what its like having no medical background. especially when you start having kids.

    if they cant fully open them, then they should be forced to give detailed medical and nationality information. some may be elidgiable for scholarships because of heritage and will never know it

    unfortunately, i think you may be out of luck. good luck, i hope you are able to get what you need

  2. Not very many people will be able to answer this...

  3. Hi there. I am as tottally as frustrated as you. I was born In westland Michigan to an unemployed,uneducated drunken mother with Bipolar. I and my older brother were taken away due to neglect. I am 14 months from getting married, I have NO backround about My mother besides her name and my fathers name and place of birth. I am pleaded to the courts for help,to the adopted agency for help and anyone who will listen.But I am still at a loss

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