
Are there any other fellow democrats tired of this Palins pregnant daughter thing?

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I am getting so annoyed by this.... There are so many more important reasons not to vote for McCain - Palin .... I think everyone needs to listen to Obama and leave Palins children out of this ....

Ya I get it its Ironic shes standing for family values and has a pregnant teen daughter ... but this could happen to anybody no matter how they raise their children ... lets focus on the real issues!




  1. You're right. Enough is enough. It's true that it could happen but the chances could have been reduced with contraception available and comprehensive s*x education. By not having this, the odds increased that she would get pregnant and she was drinking.

    We have plenty of other issues to deal with. We need to prioritize because we can't do everything.  

  2. and yet you couldnt help get in a dig could u ?

  3. yes it could happen to anyone but to be the leader of the free world and not stress the importance of abstinence, and no alcohol at her age is not acceptable. maybe palins career has taken away from her parenting. we like to think we can have it all,husband career, kids, but there are limits. we are only human. We can't afford to take a gamble with palin

  4. I agree.  It has the same level of relevance as the Democratic candidate's middle name.

    With the issues facing our nation, it is appalling to me that so many voters focus on things that add no value to the process.  We should be talking about immigration, the war, health care, education, the trade deficit, the budget deficit, a future for our children.  What do I care if some candidate's family has had their share of indiscretions?

    Americans should get their eye back on the ball.


  6. If you are sick of it, why are you bringing it up again?

  7. Yes. Palins daughter has nothing to do with the elections, it's just gossip bullshit. Republicans overall do that sort of thing, I'm not going to act like them.

  8. I am tired of hearing about it too. You are right we should focus on the real issues...there are far more important things to be focusing on right now.

  9. Honestly...I was bored with Sarah after her speech....I didnt really pay the whole baby stuff any attention...I'm not voting for her and mcCain so I dont waste my time reading stuff about her...she's just a gimmick thats not working

  10. I am more concerned about the  ethics investigation/ firing the state’s public safety commish, she employed a lobbying firm to secure almost 27 million dollars in federal earmarks for her hometown - Wasilla - when she was its mayor (a town of less than 7000 people)  and that John McCain is old. He could keel over at any time and she would be president...too scary for me!

    I could care less about her pregnant daughter...although of Repulicans weren't so against birth control for teens she would not be in this situation.

  11. Thank you. Yes, we're sick of it.

  12. Yeah I am; lets discuss Palin's association with the AIP.  Alaskan Independence Party - a movement to remove Alaska from the union and make it a separate country.

    CBS News article:

    Officials of the Alaskan Independence Party say that Palin was once so independent, she was once a member of their party, which since the 1970s has been pushing for a legal vote for Alaskans to decide whether or not residents of the 49th state can secede from the United States.And while McCain's motto -- as seen in a new TV ad -- is "Country First," the AIP's motto is the exact opposite -- "Alaska First -- Alaska Always."

    Lynette Clark, the chairman of the AIP, tells ABC News that Palin and her husband Todd were members in 1994, even attending the 1994 statewide convention in Wasilla. Clark was AIP secretary at the time.

    "We are a state's rights party," Clark -- a self-employed goldminer -- tells ABC News. The AIP has "a plank that challenges the legality of the Alaskan statehood vote as illegal and in violation of United Nations charter and international law."

    However to address your initial statement the fact is Sara Palin also has a position abstinence which is born of her position on abortion.  As a result there is a very valid question she should be made to answer:

    "Do you believe that an abstinence only s*x education program could be successful in our public school system?".

    Considering the fact she could not teach this lesson properly in her own home I don't think she should be allowed to force it on America.

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