
Are there any other fish that can live with a Beta fish?

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Are there any other fish that can live with a Beta fish?




  1. if its a female then you should be able to put a male in with it

    and if its a male you should be able to put a female it with it


  2. YES!

    Bettas only attack fish that are bright coloured! If you were to put in fish that were grey or black, the betta won't eat it. Also, a betta will not eat anything larger than its own food! Trust me, I have kept a betta in a tank with 5 danios for 4 months!

    My suggestion is to put catfish, danios, maybe tetras, and so on. Just don't put anything yellow or bright red. If you do, your betta might think that that is another betta and it will attack it. So, you can put any other fish in with a betta (besides a male/female betta). Just make sure the fish is dull.

  3. yes actually it depends on it's gender. females can live with other female bettas and other fish however males are best to keep alone

  4. We had fish living with a Beta for years when I was growing up, come to think of it, the Beta would pick on the other fish, but most of them lived for a long time together, until the underwater crab we had climbed on a plant and jumped on the Beta (killing it)....  My suggestion don't put little fish in with a Beta (or two betas in the same tank)

  5. i dont think so betas are very aggresive

  6. Some betta's are aggressive, some aren't.  Problem is you don't know that until you put them with other fish.  They are very territorial though so I wouldn't put them with other fish in anything less than a 10 gallon tank.  They do best with fish that are not the same body shape as them and that don't have flowing fins.  


  7. Yep.. U can get community fishes but not fancy guppies or anything with long fins because the betta would think they are bettas too. If you get females, females are very peaceful so you can keep anything with female bettas

  8. no.if they see their own reflection in a mirror or another fish,they will  fight with it till it dies(reflection) or the other one dies.

  9. yes there are most catfish small algie eaters

    i would put otto catfish with them

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