
Are there any other girl scouts or girl scout leaders that have...?

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has anyone been to savana georiga, like to see the first headquaters or Julliet low's houes. just onedering, because i went to savana last summer and i want to see if anyone has shared this experince




  1. I've never been there, but I've seen leaders talk about it on the Yahoo groups for Girl Scouts. They usually report back that they had a great time.

  2. I went with my troop when they finished 3rd grade.  We went with other troops from the community we had 2 buses.  They had a great time.  The tour was great and they got to learn more about Juliette Low.  The girls are now in their mid-twenties and still remember it.  Their favorite parts included learning that Juliette Low had a great sense of humor.  When she was elderly and sick in bed-the doctor came to check on her and told her under no circumstances was she to walk down stairs till she was better.  Later visitors were over and she wanted to go down to see them-she slid down the winding stairs banister.

  3. My daughter is going next next year and ive read that it beautifull

  4. yes my girl scout troop went it was awsome and im 12 so yea its cool

  5. I've read that it is one of the most haunted houses in Savannah.  I've been by there but not inside.

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