
Are there any other hard-core Conservatives that care about the Environment?

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BTW, I am a Conservative and I'm very opinionated with my views on issues like illegal immigration, gun laws, abortion, free enterprise, etc.

I share the views of my conservative family and friends. I wanted to vote for Romney for Pres, but he quit before I had a chance.

GW isn't an issue to me because it's been so polluted with dishonesty from one side or the other. But, to me, it just makes sense to live more with the planet than against it.

I care too much about the environment and how I leave it than to turn it into a political issue. Politics are soooo divisive and that's just unfortunate the environment.

I'm all for allowing folks to live how they want based on their own prosperity (within the laws) and as little Gov as possible, but the conservatives I know don't even try to make a small effort like recycling or conserving.

We talk about being responsible and self-reliant, but it's ok to show no concern for the consequences of our actions on the environment around us?




  1. I consider myself a hard-core conservative who cares about the environment.  However, I am greatly annoyed by those who (especially the media) make it sound worse than what it actually is.  Quite frankly, I'm skeptical on the global warming "craze".  On the other hand, I feel it is important to recycle, conserve our resources, and not be wasteful!

  2. I'm a Conservative who shares your values.  I'm concerned with Global Warming.  The dishonesty of others has never affected my thinking.  I disagree with those who say they support an environmental issue, but only as much as other people are not harmed.  People are being harmed, right now, every day.  Being Conservative is to practice Conservation and spend wisely.  I see people on here who advocate continued flat out, balls-to-the-wall burning of petroleum, with no limitations other than the price at the pump.  Those people are no more Conservatives than George McGovern.

    Anyone with half an eye can see that we are facing extinction unless we change a few things and change them fast.  I am not interested in the people who whine about how some make it sound "worse than it is."  How bad does it need to be?  If those folks need their diapers changed they need to go find a Nanny.

  3. Yes, I want to help the environment.  As an Mechanical Engineer I feel it is part of my job.  I am skeptical of many green things I read.  I wonder if some people who talk up certain things have ever done an energy balance, or a mass balance.  Many times I am left shaking my head at the solutions or worse yet what we should really be worrying about.  I myself car pool to work 2 days a week, recycle, have fluorescent bulbs, wash most clothes in cold water.

  4. I'm a conservative and I care about the environment. I moved from a big city to absolute in the middle of nowhere. We have to care about the environment. We depend on the land for our food and drinking water. If someone pollutes it will end up in our drinking water. I have a decay pile that we put our trash in, it decays and we use it for fertilizer for our garden. I wasn't aware of it when we lived in the city, but now to live off of the land it is critical.

  5. A hard core conservative created the national park system.

  6. Conservatives created conservationism, which was the original environmentalism. It followed with conservatives establishing the national parks/forest program to preserve land for public use. The concept was based on balancing the needs of people and the economic needs of the nation with respect for the earth. This idea has been exploited by liberals and made a political movement which disregards science, and the needs of people, placing the welfare of 'the earth' as an entity above all else. Conservative care about everything in a balanced way - we don't typically jump on the populist bandwagon and join the latest fad or movement - like global warming. The earth has supported itself in the face of all events without any help from us since it began. We couldn't destroy the earth if we tried. Today in the US there are better trash disposal systems,  more clean water, cleaner air, fewer diseases, and a longer average life span than anywhere ever. The environment is fine.

  7. My major was Environment and Resource studies with a minor in Poli Sci from 1987-1993, graduating with a 78% grade average.

    What struck me during my studies into how to protect the planet was the complete lack of consideration for economics, and how it can be used and hurt by environmentalists.  We really had our heads up our collective asses back then.

  8. I am a hard core conservative and I care about the environment but not to the point where it hurts people. I live a very clean and carbon neutral life. I recycle, I dont use much energy and I dont drive very much. There are lots of thing I do to help but I dont go overboard and I dont insist that everyone live the way I do as many environmentalists will and I certainly don't fly around on private jets and live in 10,000 square foot mansions and tell everyone else they need to ride a bicycle and live in a hovel so the earth will not end in 10 years.

    Back in the 80's the environmentalists insisted that the pesticide DDT be taken off the market because of its claimed yet unproven adverse effects on the environment. As a consequence of this short sited and ridiculous policy millions of Africans have died of malaria do to the fact that they cannot use DDT anymore to kill the mosquitoes that carry malaria. This is only one example of the short sited and dangerous behavior of the environmental movement, there are many more.

    Hey ARCHER, that link is busted. Do you have another? I would certainly like to see it

  9. We all care about the environment, we conservatives don't agree that man-made global warming exists... we know the truth, your side does not want to see the truth.

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