
Are there any other moms that have a hard time finding time and energy to exercise?

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i stay home with my little dumpling daily and i love it, but my waist line isn't quite where i want it to be, and i'd like to hit the gym close to my apartment. the problem is that by the time daddy gets home, i don't have the energy to exercise anymore. are any other moms facing the same type of issue? its so hard to stay pretty for ourselves (and honestly, we want to be pretty for men too!!) the soccer moms that have nannies or the ones that can afford to do day care and don't work have it easier than us (in some regards) so time and energy to exercise for them isn't as much of an issue. but for us regular moms, time and energy have to coincide for us to get a good work out in. i'm glad its getting cooler now, so i'll be able to take the baby out in the stroller.

are there any other moms out there that are having a hard time trying to take care of baby and take care of themselves?




  1. its on my mind everyday. and i say to my self..why dont  you just do some crunches while shes taking a nap or something..or when shes up..Lets go take a walk..your so busy with cleaning..fixing dinner..picking up the house..that wheres your energy at? When you have a nanny or a frikkin maid then of course u have all the time in the world but it seems like the dishes..picking up toys..laundry ..never ends..there's never enough time in the day..People think that ..thats your work out but its not!  

  2. Yes!  I would love to, but can't quite figure out what to do, when & where to do it.  I live in an upper apt, so it's not feasible to buy videos that I can do at home, since I can't be jumping around all over.  I work all day, so the last thing I want to do is ask my mom to watch my daughter so I can go work out or something (we have a Curves here, but I'd rather not pay and commit to certain days and stuff).  I could take my daughter for a long walk, which we sometimes do with her riding in the stroller, but by the time I get home from work and do everything that needs to be done, it's already time for my daughter to go to bed so that's hard to do also.  I miss my old part time job, I worked in fast food up til I had my daughter, so I was on my feet walking around for at least 5 hours 5 days a week.  Plus I closed, so I did a lot of back and forth stuff on my own like trips to the stockroom and taking care of both drive-thru and dining room customers.  That job must be the reason I used to stay my usual thin self.  I really am missing that now!  Working in a small office full time doesn't really promote the chance for exercise.  Just thought I'd let you know you're not the only mom who struggles with this, and it's good to know now that I'm not the only one either!

  3. I go to a gym that has childcare. I get to watch her on monitors throughout the gym so I know she is OK and I still get to workout.

  4. well going for walks, if its to hot during the day go at night when the kid is a sleep, or early in the mornings before he goes to work, you can do exersice videos while he is a sleep, dance and stuff holding your kid,  those are a few things i do, if you have cable and get up with your husband in the mornings then you could turn on fit tv fitness channel, or just browse the guide until you find a fitness program on. they have some fun arobics. i try to at least 3 days a wk but i dont always get up to

  5. I work full-time and get home pretty late in the evenings.  Then, there's dinner to cook, laundry to get done, dishes to wash, and then bathing the baby and putting him to bed.  By the time I'm done with all of that, I'm exhausted and all I want to do is sit on my butt and read or watch a little TV.

    I know there's no way for me to squeeze a "real" workout into my schedule right now.  So, in the meantime, I try to use playtime with my son as a way to get some exercise.  He weighs 25 pounds and loves to be tossed around and thrown up in the air (which is great for my arms) and I can place him on my legs and bounce him up and down while doing a sort of "sit-up" that really works out my abs, legs, and butt.

    I think there are work-out videos that have Baby & Me routines you can do at home.  There's also StrollerFit or StrollerStrides (or something like that) where groups of moms do work-outs with their babies in the strollers.  

    I know it's hard to make time for yourself when you become a parent, but kudos to you for making an effort!  Good luck!

  6. I am having a hard time finding energy and time to exercise because I work 8 hours a day, and by the time I get home I am exhausted.

    I had stayed home with my son for the first year. I had bought some pilates, yoga, and aerobic DVDs. When he napped, I exercised. You don't have to hit a gym in order to exercise. I also don't get what the weather has to do with you taking the child out in a stroller. You could have taken the baby out in the early morning hours, and gone for a good walk.

  7. you could perhaps innvest in a treadmill and use it while your baby takes a nap or something. If your child is into dancing to music or a kids television show such as the Wiggles, you could dance with her/him! It's hard to find a balance beween "me" time and "family" time. oh and also instead of taking the lift in your apartment you could take the stairs? (i don't know if that will sound ridiculous to you or not, because i don't know what floor you live on!)

  8. I'm lucky enough to have my mom watch him for a few hours why i go to the gym. I also jog/walk (im working up to just the jog) with a jogging stroller. they have ones that arnt that much $. I"d do that. do it first thing in the am. I drink sugar free red bull to help me get going

  9. You are preaching to the choir on this one, sister!  I can really relate to you.

    I am a single, working mom with 3 boys (12, 5 and 3) and finding the time - let alone the energy - to work out is a killer.  For me, I haven't been able to figure this one out, but my friend did something that might work for you.

    Have you thought about getting a part-time job during the day at a gym that offers childcare?  That is exactly what my friend did.  She gets free workout time, a paycheck and the bonus of her kids being taken care of.  If you can do something like that, you won't have to wait until your hubby comes home (and, hence, being too worn out to work out).

    My friend has been working there for several months and she's in the best shape she's ever been in.  And she's got some extra money to help with the bills.

    Good luck!

  10. oh definitely and Im a single mommy so I want to look good for I know this heat is way to much for my little one he gets all grumpy if we go outside to long so we just end up sitting around playing in the shade. There once was a fitness center with a daycare in it by my house but that closed and I have no family that lives near by. I cant afford a sitter either, looks like were doomed ;)

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