
Are there any other options (aside from Paypal) that people can pay over the internet.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to start an online business and am trying to avoid paying the 3% that Paypal asks for.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!




  1. Well, what about EFT electronic fund transfer. The buyer deposits the amount into your account. It is usually instant and is a great way of spending over the internet.

  2. use e-gold

  3. Yes! Visit my blog for more information. I made it myself and its full of useful alternatives!


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  5. Of course there is. You could set up a pay by credit card or even offer a direct debit option with bank account details and a reference number being supplied on purchase and a certain time frame to deposit the money within.

    However! I, personally always prefer Paypal. Infact I would pay slightly more for a product off the internet just to use Paypal.

    Why? Because if I get ripped off Paypal will cover my loss. As a consumer it is much more appealing and I am fairly sure that it has added benefits on the receiving end as well.

    I would suggest offering Paypal as well as other payment options and if you want to you could always put a surcharge to use Paypal (just double check if a surcharge would be legal where you are)

    This way you will not discourage customers that don't have a Paypal account but at the same time those that do prefer Paypal will be able to buy from you with confidence.

    Just my two cents :)

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