
Are there any other packer fan upset with fat head farve for his latest remark"?

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"I haven't felt this way in 17 years and I belong here" then good let them retire your dam number




  1. your only hating on farve because he is still good at the age that he is at now

  2. he's only trying to settle in with his teammates and earn his teammates respect and trust.  dont take it seriously. he already said he's a Packer by heart.  dont you think that might have hurt some Jets fans?

  3. that interview with fox news ruined what remained of his legacy,

    i took the packers fans and organization 17 years to find out who brett really is.

  4. I'm a BROWNS FAN but if i was a PACKER fan i would be upset.

  5. If Brett Favres dad were alive today NONE of this would be happening right now.  I think that what Brett Favre has done / is doing is a complete slap in the face to the Packers and all their fans.  The guy INSISTED that he was retired and NOT coming back.  So the Packers moved on.  Then like a woman changing her minid about where she wants you to take her for dinner, he decides to un-retire and come back?  C'mon man.

    Brett should have taken the $20 million to NOT play, joined Howie-Terry-and Jimmy as the 4th seat on Fox Sports, make another $50 million a year from Fox for doubling their ratings, and moved on as a Football GOD.  Instead he's a disgrace who's lost all respect and credibility from the people who weren't necessarily Packer fans, but Brett Favre fans.    

  6. Bah. The boy can only push his luck so far. He will get taught a lesson. He should have bowed out gracefully when he was uninjured and had a shred of dignity left.This will come back and bite him in the a$s.

  7. Both teams will fall this year...but the Packers will get the better end of it by better I mean an okay season

  8. Brett Farve is an insult to the NFL and he is hurting himself in the long run.

  9. It's all about the money pal. Farve built a solid iconship that will be placed in the Hall Of Fame when he retired but screwed himself up by not really thinking about his future like he should have. Ok I'm getting up there but let's let Rogers play and I'll go as a free agent to another team and I don't think there would have been as much drama as there is now but who really knows.

  10. He's saying that to make the Packers organization mad

  11. Actually, Captain America.... Here's how I interpret his comment:

    He feels like he's starting over, and doesn't know the offense yet.  He hasn't felt that since he began 17 years ago - the last time he started "over" with a new team.  

    How can that POSSIBLY be an insult to the Packers?  Ever change jobs?  You get that "new guy" feeling ... it can be a challenge, and you feel like a lost puppy for a little while and your coworkers roll their eyes and groan at you for making stupid mistakes.    

    Honestly, Thompson has wanted him out for 3 years, and pushed him.  Thompson got what he wanted... let Brett move on and play the game.  Brett did nothing but give the Packers the best playing years of his life.  The fact that he wanted to come back, McCarthy & Thompson should have just welcomed him with open arms for all the money the team has made off of the Favre name.  Remember the Majkowski days (you're probably too young)...??   Favre came in and gave the team fire.  Brett didn't take that away from you... Packer management did.

    If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at Thompson.  

  12. I've been a Packers fan my whole life and always will be. His comments didn't bother me at all. Realize that a reporter asked a question and he answered it. His comments had nothing at all to do with the Packers. He was just talking about the experience of being with a new team and everything that goes with it. Imagine packing your bags and moving across the country to an area your not familiar with, starting a new job and not really knowing anyone. Can you put yourself in his shoes? He didn't say "I belong here",  he said "I feel like I belong here". That means he feels welcome by the team, org., and fans.  Do you expect him to say F*ck NY i'd rather be in GB. I'm not sure why i'm trying to explain common sense to anyone, it doesn't do any good. Seems like no one has it anymore.  I can't believe people are still trying to talk trash about Favre. The ONLY reason he's not in GB is because he wasn't wanted.  Sorry, trying to explain common sense again. For someone claiming to be such a longtime Packers fan, you'd think you would know how to spell the man's name by now. It's amazing at how many people have lost the ability to think for themselves instead of buying into the c**p the media leads or wants you to believe. No one reports the truth or facts anymore, just their misguided opinions due to deadlines or their own agenda to get attention.  

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