
Are there any other people out there who want to scream & go crazy the next time you hear the word "Green"

by  |  earlier

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I totally support the idea, I'm just so tired of the word and how it's become an advertising buzz word....




  1. Me. :O *high five*

  2. Yes, I do & I do!  Thanks for asking this question.  I am feeling much better now.

  3. Nah it doesn't make me go crazy, but it DOES make me happy that we are beginning to realize that we need to take care of our planet! :)  Actually, I LOVE hearing the word!

  4. Breathe deeply.  The public's attention span is too short to last much past Earth Day.  The barrage will wane.

    A shame, really.

    Whether the marketing hype is annoying or not, the need to respect the planet is real.

  5. yes i swear it seems now that they know the planet is dieing they want to do something about it when its almost completely too late rrrrrr

  6. Y/A is green!

  7. green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green


    X___signed ::miZs.pebbles:: __dha_origanal

  8. Yes, it is becoming it's own parody.

  9. no man,  it gets me excited.

    i love the green!

  10. yea everyone has been saying it so much lately!

  11. Aren't all those people already screaming?  I thought it was the main thing they do..?

    And what's really twisted about them is they come to the Green Living section of Yahoo answers so they'll hear it continuously!  Sort of like howling at the moon without the moon.

  12. i vote YES

  13. I'm with you there.  It's just a bogus agenda.

    It's become an advertizing tool as well as a political one.

    I've decided not to purchase any products from any company that so much as mentions they are going "green."

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