
Are there any other symbols of rebirth than the phoenix, firebird??

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only asking because interested in getting another tattoo to symbolize rebirth....




  1. The symbol of eternity  


  2. The Fool in the tarot deck(the zero card), the rune Ingwaz, the egyptian Scarab, the snake and the bat, depending on what culture you're dealing with.

  3. A man (or woman if you'd prefer) raising up into the sky, a bright beam of light enveloping them, and possibly a pair of wings appearing on their back, if you want to go for the religious aspect of the symbol.

    The lotus plant and a seed.

    Also, the Egyptians have the stone scarabs for a rebirth symbol.

  4. I know of two more:

    ANKH: An Egyptian cross symbolizing a mythical eternal life, rebirth, and the life-giving power of the sun.

    SERPENT OR SNAKE: It represents rebirth (because of its molting)

  5. Well, in film I would say Jason Vorhees.

  6. The snake shedding his skin, the Caterpillar in the cocoon emerging as a butterfly.

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