
Are there any other women out there like me?

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I don't like children, and i have no desire to be married.

Am i the only girl who doesn't feel maternal or wants marriage?

Is this weird?




  1. Your not weird at all, and to have kids would be sheer cruelty on your part.  I was never a big maternal person, but I do make a good mom, my friend, she is better off pampering her dog.  Neither of us are bad people, but we have certain strengths.  Having kids when you are not equipped to deal with them is tantamount to child abuse.  I applaud your self realization.

  2. Blokes cop this too.  I don't have any desire for children, and neither does my fiance, but we are looked upon by some as weird and even selfish.  We are getting married to be together, not because we want children.  This may change of course, but I think it quite unlikely.

    We have even copped a rather strange attitude that only people who want children should get married.....I don't get that one myself.

    Keep confident in your beliefs, I say, and don't allow anyone to speak into your life who ridicules your choices.  Not wanting children is not aberrant,

  3. No, you are not weird at all and I feel exactly the same way, although I am married.

    I have no maternal intincts either so it would be really stupid of me to bring a child into this world when I would rather care for animals.

    Don't succumb to peer pressure, live your life how YOU want and if anyone disrespects you give them the finger. ;-)

  4. Yes it's weird. Look at your name...Ice Queen. That kind of gives you a clue doesn't It?

  5. No, it's not weird at all, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. No one has a right to force you into a role in which you're not interested.  

  6. i don't want children either ! Its offensive to me when i say that so some girlfriends they look at me like im an alien. One even scoffed like i must be some sort of child hater! I like other people kids! I think children are brilliant! I just don't want one of my own!

    The marriage thing, i struggle with that one. I have days when i don't want to be tied down, and others when i just want to be married. I have a partner and i confuse the h**l out of him, but he mainly doesn't want to be married, but he does want to stay with me forever. I believe it has alot to do with social programming.

    I mean, I know he loves me, He says he wants to be with me forever, why do i need a ring or a day or a ceremony to prove it? But then on other days I just want to run down to the civil office and get the piece of paper signed! Odd.  

  7. Questions are always coming up on here from people who don't want to be married or have children.  I can't imagine why you should think it is only you, surely you must know other women who aren't married and don't have children?  There are loads of them about.

    If you are keen to pursue a career, you would do very well not to clutter up your life with husbands and children - "He travels fastest who travels alone, and that goes double for women" - Florence King.

  8. Not weird at all. we're all different thats what makes us so damned interesting

  9. I like kids, but I have no desire for my own. I don't mind relationships, but I don't mind being single, either. You're definitely not alone or weird.

  10. No you are not alone.  

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